Are you longing to break free from the pain and frustration caused by your limiting beliefs?
This powerful course contains 16 lessons that lead you on a step-by-step journey to freedom. A journey of figuring out how to move past your limiting beliefs and overcome your inner obstacles to live a life of success.
Isn’t it time to stop wondering when the hurt will stop…
and enjoy the FREEDOM that you deserve?
To figure out how to let go of the inner obstacles that hold you back? To put the past in the past and move forward without these challenges?
To dare to hope for a brighter future?
Truly joyful, happy people know how to take control of their life. They know the freedom that letting go of stressful limiting beliefs can bring. They know how to overcome the negative repercussions of limiting beliefs so they can move toward a life of joy.
They are FOCUSED on positive actions. They avoid getting stuck in routines that make them feel like a failure over and over. And because of this, they thrive and enjoy more options in their life.
And yet, so often when we’re worrying about being stuck in a rut, we give up because we think it’s too hard to turn things around.
Past failures have hurt us.
…negative thoughts have made it hard for us to take a chance on something different.
…we don’t understand how we’re supposed to take control of our own success.

Do you believe that you can start moving forward toward your goals again?
Do you have faith that, even though you might be stuck in routines that contribute to your lack of success now, you can bring true excitement back to your life? And…do you know HOW to get past the challenges of your limiting beliefs?
Ask yourself…
- Am I currently stuck in a world of failure?
- Do I wonder if I’ll ever feel differently?
- Am I doing all I can to turn my situation around?
- Would my life be better if I knew how to overcome my limiting beliefs?
From the time we’re young, we’re implanted with false ideas about what we can – or can’t – do. We think that success is just for those born into money or having certain talents.
False ideas like these:
- “You’ll never be able to make your dreams come true. That’s just what they are – dreams.”
- “You’re not smart enough.”
- “Others won’t like you if you’re successful.”
- “Once a failure, always a failure.”
- “Money is the root of all evil.”
- “It’s difficult to succeed.”
It’s all a big, fat lie.
We desperately want to re-discover the freedom we deserve. We need to break through the boring routines that have kept us stuck in our pain. To figure out why we’ve lost hope for the future and how to get it back.
It’s time….

We can’t let anything stand in our way from the freedom we deserve.
We can’t let the challenges of our past stop us from moving forward.
But we don’t know how.
We’re held back by myths and routines.
But what if there were a solution?
A way to break out of our pain, understand how to leave the past in the past, know-how wonderful we really are, keep the hope alive, and CONFRONT our limiting beliefs?
Now there is…

In this life-changing course, you’ll learn:
- The EASY trick to stop the negative effects of your limiting beliefs
- How to OVERCOME the myth that success is only for the few
- How to ELIMINATE negative mental and emotional programming about what you can achieve
- How to PREPARE yourself for a bright future
- Techniques to MOVE from pain to freedom
- How to CRUSH your inner obstacles without adding to your stress
- How to CREATE your own success
- How to let your beliefs WORK FOR YOU
- STRATEGIES to take control of your beliefs
- And so much more!
Beat Anxiety

This Powerful Journey Could Absolutely Change Your Life.
In 20 years, you could look back on THIS as the time when you finally realized you were capable of changing your circumstances.
To be free to build the life you truly want.
When you stopped being held back by your habits, discouraged because you didn’t understand how to move past the limiting beliefs, and developed the fulfilling life you were DESTINED to have.
This is your moment.
Your fork in the road.
Your door to an exciting life free from the pain of your emotional trauma. The key to the cage has been given to you. You can either open the cage or throw it away.
It’s your choice. Will you be free or chained to your pain? You could try to learn all of this on your own, but it would require hours upon hours of reading and research.
You wouldn’t have the guidance of an expert. And you wouldn’t really know if you were making progress. Or you could be taken by the hand and guided on this life-changing journey. Which will it be?

There Are 16 Total Lessons
The lessons are:

Introduction – What’s Holding You Back?
Limiting beliefs are conscious or subconscious beliefs that hold you back in some way. They are ideas that limit you. Thoughts that keep you from reaching your full potential. This introduction gives you a preview of how each lesson will give you the tools to overcome a specific limiting belief: You’ll learn how to rewrite each limiting belief into one that empowers you, specific action steps to take, and affirmations that will help destroy the limiting belief and instill your new, empowering belief.

Lesson #1: I Don’t Have Enough Time
If you’re like most people, you’re extremely busy. You feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to do what really matters. You think to yourself, “If only I had more time, then I could get more things done.” This lesson shows you how to rewrite this belief into one that empowers you to get more done, with specific action steps to instill your new belief.

Lesson #2: I’m Too Old To Start Something New
Do you believe that in order to be successful, you need to start young? That you’re too old to start new things, reset your career, start a new hobby, or strive after new goals? This lesson helps you turn this negative belief into one that allows you to start something new at any age and succeed with it.

Lesson #3: Past Failure Means Future Failure
You may be tempted to think, “I always fail at this so why should this time be any different? I’m just a failure overall.” This belief is damaging in so many ways. This lesson helps you to believe the reality that past failures are, in fact, merely steppingstones to success.

Lesson #4: My Past Will Always Negatively Influence My Future
With this limiting belief, you feel like your past is holding you back. Keeping you from your true potential. Standing in the way of your success. This lesson shows you how to turn that belief around and realize that your past is one of your greatest assets, instead.

Lesson #5: My Resources Are Limited
This limiting belief assumes that there are only a set amount of resources and options in the world. You think to yourself, “I don’t have enough time, money, connections, etc.] to achieve what I want to achieve.” This lesson helps you move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset and see how you can get whatever you need.

Lesson #6: Lack Of Major Progress Means Failure
Oh, how easy it is to criticize yourself for a lack of major progress on your goals. With this belief, each day you feel like a failure. In this lesson, you’ll see how small successes add up to big progress over time.

Lesson #7: I Compare Myself To Others
This belief leads you to judge yourself by what others are achieving. When you compare yourself to others, you allow their achievements to determine how much joy you experience. This lesson helps you believe, “I am valuable simply because of who I am.”

Lesson #8: I Am Not Responsible For My Current Situation
In this final section, you’ll leverage everything you learned so you can live authentically. You’ll dare to be yourself, reveal your true personality, and find the courage to express your feelings. You’ll present yourself honestly, unlock the power of your inner voice, and develop the courage to create originality. To top it all off, you’ll create a compelling vision of the future for yourself.

Lesson #9: I Don’t Deserve Success
This is a very devious, insidious limiting belief. You believe that you don’t deserve success. That you’re not good enough, smart enough, or lovable enough to be worthy of success. This belief can lead you to self-sabotage and prevent you from ever achieving anything you want. Turn this belief around with the tools in this lesson.

Lesson #10: I Worry What Others Think About Me
Worrying about what others think of you can be incredibly consuming. It can sap your time, energy, and joy. The fear of what others think can be like a great weight hanging around your neck, dragging you down, keeping you from making forward progress. This lesson will help you understand that “What truly matters is what I think of myself.”

Lesson #11: I Don’t Give Myself The Love, Compassion, and Understanding I Give To Others
This limiting belief makes you feel like you’re never enough – that you should be perfect – and if you’re not perfect you feel like you need to punish yourself. Your new belief, instead, is that you deserve the same grace, compassion, love, and patience that you extend to others. You learn to treat yourself with kindness.

Lesson #12: I Can Do Everything Myself
In this lesson, you’ll see how your inability to ask for help is a weakness that keeps you from accomplishing as much as you could. If you teamed up with others, your combined strengths would allow you to achieve far more than you could on your own. New, empowering beliefs make it easier for you to work with others.

Lesson #13: I’m Not Smart Enough
With this belief, you feel like your supposed lack of knowledge is a handicap that keeps you from doing what you want to do. This lesson helps you gain the confidence to succeed as you instill the positive belief that you can learn anything you set your mind to.

Lesson #14: I’m Not Ready To Start
If you wait until everything is perfect in order to launch an idea, you’ll never launch. With this mentality, you’ll continue putting off doing anything that will get you closer to your goals. You’ll continue to suffer in mediocrity. Get started creating a life you’ll love with this lesson.

Summary and Reflection – Go Forth and Conquer
This final lesson reviews and lets you reflect on what you’ve learned in this course. You now know how to overcome some of the most powerful limiting beliefs that hold you back. You have been given the truth, and the truth will set you free – free to start accomplishing all the glorious things you desire!

Normally, live in-person workshops cost $500 to $1,000
And my digital courses like this cost over $297
But today, you’re going to get access to this entire life-changing program for
ONLY $47
And you’ll get the entire “Crushing Limiting Beliefs” system
- 16 lessons to lead you on the journey to overcoming your limiting beliefs ($299 value)
- 30+ additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you’ve learned ($99 value)
- A final quiz to empower you to remember the key points ($99 value)
- A thorough understanding of what you need to do to let go of your limiting beliefs and find the freedom you deserve (PRICELESS))
- Priority email support
Finally, you’re going to…
Let NOTHING stop you from letting go of the inner obstacles that hold you back
PURSUE the life you’ve been longing for
Overcome ALL the negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that have kept you stuck in a rut
FINALLY, learn to work through your limiting beliefs so that you can look forward to better times ahead
Learn what YOU can do to take control of your life
STOP putting it off and begin RELEASING your limiting beliefs today
Isn’t it time to embrace the happy life you deserve?
To enjoy the freedom you know you deserve?

Enroll Now
$297 Now Only $47
Make Full Payment & Get full course Access.
- Remember, for only $297 you’re getting…
- 6 modules with 49 lessons to lead you on the journey of authenticity ($697 value).
- Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you’ve learned ($199 value).
- Module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($101 value).
- A thorough understanding of who you truly are (PRICELESS).
- Priority email support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any requirements or prerequisits for this course?
- There are no prerequisites for this course. It’s open to anyone who wants to increase their satisfaction in life by learning to be authentic.
- Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.
What benefits will I receive from this course?
- You’ll find out what it is to live authentically.
- You’ll discover a lot about yourself and how you got that way.
- You’ll learn how to accept yourself and love yourself just the way you are.
- You’ll understand your own value and what you have to offer the world.
- You’ll boost your self-confidence.
- You’ll develop the courage to be yourself around others.
- You’ll discover your passions and how to enjoy them in your daily life.
- You’ll see how you can structure your life around what matters most to you.
By living authentically, you can simplify your life, reduce stress, strengthen your relationships, build a more satisfying career, and increase your happiness and fulfillment in life.
Is there a particular audience that this course is geared toward?
Those who want to be themselves around others, increase their self-esteem, build their confidence, and live their life according to what’s important to them (not someone else)
Remember, for only $297 you’re getting…
- 6 modules with 49 lessons to lead you on the journey of authenticity ($697 value).
- Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you’ve learned ($199 value).
- Module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($101 value).
- A thorough understanding of who you truly are (PRICELESS).
- Priority email support.
Will this actually work?
Yes, it absolutely will.

30 Day Action Takers Guarantee
In fact, I’m willing to GUARANTEE it. If you take action on the materials and don’t find yourself overcoming your pain, I’ll refund your money.
This 30-day action-takers guarantee ENSURES that all the risk is on me. If these materials don’t empower you to let go of your emotional pain, I’ll refund your money.
It’s ALL reward, NO risk.
I Am Ryan Light
I am an athlete, blogger, and coach who has inspired and helped people around the world with my open and honest discussion about anxiety. Having struggled with general anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD I know first hand how one feels who live with this struggle on daily basis.
I spent years trying to find the right therapist, taking the right medication, looking for a natural supplement, food tests, skin tests, neurological test, and it goes on and on. It wasn’t until I finally made a decision to take my life back – after almost losing it – did I finally lose the grip that anxiety had on my life.
Now it’s my life’s passion to help others overcome their struggle and find their own purpose in life.

Follow Me:
Take the Next Step in Your Healing
Beat anxiety, rewire your brain, and take back your life with online courses that give you the tools to change.
Healing From Emotional Trauma, Breakups, and Betrayal
The step-by-step process to go from pain to freedom, so we can conquer the routines that keep us stuck in our pain and discover how to let go and soar.
- How to OVERCOME the myth that happiness is only for the few
- How to ELIMINATE negative emotional programming from your trauma
- How to PREPARE yourself for a bright future
- Techniques to MOVE from pain to freedom
- How to ACCEPT what happened without feeling the pain
- How to DETERMINE what you need to heal
- And so much more!
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Heal Your Anxiety & Depression Workshop
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- You’ll find out what it is to live authentically.
- You’ll discover a lot about yourself and how you got that way.
- You’ll learn how to accept yourself and love yourself just the way you are.
- You’ll understand your own value and what you have to offer the world.
- You’ll boost your self-confidence.
- You’ll develop the courage to be yourself around others.
- You’ll discover your passions and how to enjoy them in your daily life.
- And so much more!
The Journey Of The Joyful, Authentic Life
Tired of pretending to be someone else? And ready to live a free, joyful, powerful life of full authenticity?
- How to shed the harmful expectations of others
- How to discover who YOU truly are (and NOT who others want you to be)
- How to UNLOCK your true passions
- How to build UNSHAKABLE self-esteem (that no one else can tear down…)
- How to let go of mistakes and learn to ACCEPT yourself (and finally move on)
- How to EMBRACE your individuality
- How to LOVE yourself (with all your strengths and weaknesses)
- And so much more!