Psychologist Abigail Brenner M.D. believes that friendship is one of the strongest bonds people can share. Friends are gifts we give ourselves and are often the people who are there for us when all others may have disappeared. (
Also included in our social circle are our families who should be a great source of support and often are. Of course, sometimes family strife can be a cause of someone losing their way in life. Ultimately though, a good solid supportive social circle can be a key element required in coming back from feeling lost.
Lifting You out of Depression
Psychologist Stephen Ilardi Ph.D. believes that increasingly people’s lives are becoming more isolated and less social. The result of this, according to Dr Ilardi, is increased vulnerability to mental illnesses, especially depression. (
When we feel lost in our lives we often feel alone and depressed with no direction. We often allow our social support system to drift away which is a mistake. If we assume that our families and friends no longer care we are likely making a very wrong assessment. One of the first things we should do when we feel lost is to reconnect with the people we love and who love us. The support they bring to us can be healing.
Helping When You Feel Lost and Alone
One of the most acute feelings attached to being lost in life is a feeling of being alone. This is especially the case when a relationship fails. People may have put their all into the relationship allowing other connections to fall by the wayside. This does not mean that they cannot reach out to family and friends and find a warm understanding welcome.
True friends, they say, can go years without talking and pick up where they left off. Those with loyal families should also always be able to go home if they need to for support. If we just have the courage to reach out, we may be surprised how supportive those who love us are willing to be.
Helping You Find the Old You
Whatever has occurred to lead to the feeling of being lost may well have left you uncertain of yourself. The person in the mirror may seem unrecognizable and choices you made may feel out of character. There may be a feeling that you no longer like who you have become. This then is where your support circle can make a big difference.
Those who have known you for many years remember the old you and probably even better than you knew yourself. Leaning on this circle of friends and family can help you find the old you, the you who felt happy. Reconnecting with who you are fundamentally can be pivotal to finding your way back.
Practical Help
If you are feeling lost you could have experienced deep losses in your life. This could be close loved ones, a broken relationship or loss of your job. These losses may not only leave you feeling emotionally lost but compromised financially and practically. There could be a loss of home or means of support which adds further stress emotionally.
A social support network of friends and family may not only help you find yourself but give you some practical help to get you back on your feet. They may give you a place to stay where they can also be there emotionally for you. Friends may be able to find you work or some other means of support while you find yourself again.

Somatic coach (therapist) in Canton, GA, and Worldwide Life Coach dedicated to inspiring and assisting people worldwide through candid conversations about anxiety. Having personally battled general anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD, I understand the daily challenges those grappling with anxiety face. My journey involved searching for the right therapist, medication, and natural supplements and undergoing various tests. It was only after deciding to reclaim my life that I finally overcame anxiety’s hold. I’m passionate about helping others conquer their struggles and discover their life purpose.