By Ryan Light, Anxiety Coach
Can We Just Get REAL?
Obsessions are the psychological element of OCD. Repeated thoughts and images linger in our minds where our over compulsive disorder takes control of our actions where we are silenced and forced to obey orders hence hostage to our own thoughts. Thus affecting and interfering with the way we would like to live our lives. I myself suffer from what the books would call “Pure O“. I don’t have so-called compulsions, most of my OCD are thoughts and images that are so frightening that I would not wish them on my worse enemy. It took me having close to a mental breakdown to seek counsel and start my journey recovery. Yes, recovery, anyone that suffers from OCD for as long as I did/am is in constant recovery. As relapse of what I call a thorn in my side is constant I’m always in a battle to beat the underlining cause of my OCD – anxiety.
OCD Different Types
There are many different types of OCD, as mentioned, I have “Pure O”. People suffering from “Pure O” have intrusive thoughts, thoughts that we know do make sense, and will never happen, but we compelled to listen instead of eliminating. These thoughts can bring an individual to a crippling stance, and stop them from normal activities. For instance one of mine that I had was hitting a pedestrian while driving. The very thought of this crippled me from driving for a very long time.
There are so many different obsessions and compulsions carried out by OCD suffers.
- Checking
- Contamination / Mental Contamination
- Hoarding
- Ruminations / Intrusive Thoughts
Seek Help…It Isn’t Embarrassing
OCD over compulsive disorder can be beaten but what makes it difficult for the sufferer is being up against a regimented invisible force in which we find ourselves in a situation where we find it hard to resist their demands. That is why consulting a doctor is important. There are cases where a referral to a psychologist may be imminent. I found that my counselor help eases my thinking pattern by providing me professional understanding as to what is going on inside my head. I’d encourage you that if you can not make heads or tails of why you do what you do then at least let someone who wants to help, do so.
I spent years not consulting a counselor and this only added to my problem. Why? I didn’t know what was going one, I thought I was going crazy and I just didn’t know why I did what I did. If you let it OCD takes you hostage and holds you ransom to your own thoughts, and until you learn to let go, then forever a prisoner you will be.
Some Ways To Help With Your OCD
- Seek Counseling
- Start Running
- Do Pilates
- Learn to Breathe
- Pray
- Meditate
Looking for an anxiety coach? Please reach out to contact me as I’ve helped dozens of people beat their anxiety and get back to living life.

Somatic coach (therapist) in Canton, GA, and Worldwide Life Coach dedicated to inspiring and assisting people worldwide through candid conversations about anxiety. Having personally battled general anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD, I understand the daily challenges those grappling with anxiety face. My journey involved searching for the right therapist, medication, and natural supplements and undergoing various tests. It was only after deciding to reclaim my life that I finally overcame anxiety’s hold. I’m passionate about helping others conquer their struggles and discover their life purpose.