Pilates helps those affected by OCD, depression, and anxiety – Life can be overwhelming sometimes to an extent of inviting thoughts of losing hope and giving in to its hardship. When this happen, it’s a high time to be real with our own selves; reflect on our important aspects in life and try to make things right. Such low spirit can affect the quality of our lives and work out to destroy our very feelings, thoughts, and habits.
Is Pilates Good Enough for OCD, Depression and Anxiety?
Physical exercise for quite a long time has shown very beneficial positive effects on people going through depression and anxiety. Pilates is a system of customized exercises using specific apparatus, designed to boost the physical strength, posture & flexibility with the main aim of enhancing a clear mental workout. This system of physical exercise and mental relaxation was introduced in the 20th century by a German physical-culturist, Joseph Pilates. This form of mental awareness was first named Contrology by the pioneer but later named Pilates in honor of the creator, Joseph Pilates.
Some Background on Pilates
Since its introduction, Pilates has been widely used by many of the gone generation and up to date still rocking the depression therapy and psychology. This relaxation exercise has been found very helpful for people with complex depression, despondency, and tension since it promotes endurance while developing core strength. With other physical exercise forms concentrating on clearing the mind, Pilates will help to actually ease and bring comfort and contentment within the mind’s environment.
Many Pilates practitioners believe in the exercise and live to embrace its effectiveness to the fullest. As they follow the mantra of Joseph Pilates in that the exercises train on how to perform important moves that massage the muscles, while gaining muscular strength, you’ll also be relieving muscular tension within your anxious body. Through this series of exercises, you are definitely relaxing your mind; thereby making a better and fit you.
Pilate exercise methods are one and complete to get your life started. Like every physical exercise geared towards fitness, you need to invest your time and make it a practice and a priority. In order to benefit from Pilates, you need to focus on bringing your life back into control and try as much as possible to stick to a scheduled routine.
How Can Pilates Help My OCD, Depression, Anxiety?
Pilates helps relieve depression in a number of ways and this improves your moods and mode of conduct with your adjacent environment. Being a bit mildly strenuous, it releases a wonderful hormone, endorphin which keeps the body stronger, relaxed and healthy. Being a feel-good kind of hormone, it interacts with special receptors within the body to reduce any form of pain perception.
Once we get into a depression, we feel the lowest point of our inner selves; self-esteem comes to an agreement with our negative thinking. This is a point where one feels like losing control of his/ her dear life, and this feeling is far from that which can trigger a fake smile. With Pilates, you have all that takes to be in control of your physical and mental strength. Alycea Ungaro, the owner of Real Pilates, New York, once said that “Pilate exercise can be an emotional and mental interlude for those suffering from anxiety, daily stress, and depression“
Pilates focuses mainly on an inward workout with a detailed concentration on the execution of the mental exercise. This rejuvenates the mind and restores the spirit. Any depression can be overwhelming, but once your body is performing optimally, that’s the time you are to appreciate the tactical, elegant and active Pilates moves. The respond has always been enormously positive; a healthy self-image is even incredibly positive and empowering. A mental nap gives every depressed individual the ability to organize one’s priorities and think clearly whichever the horrible situation at hand.
Never let depression and anxiety get the best of you in this life where anything can be a headache. Having a positive mindset is enough to drive and get your life back on track. Pilates works best with practice and gives one the power to be in control of every aspect of life. These forms of physical exercises are offered in most gyms and are the best you can get to ease your anxious being. Before making an effort to get the daily exercise into a routine, it is important to consult your doctor for the appropriate way to do this and see to it that it works best for your case.
Looking for an anxiety coach? Please reach out to contact me as I’ve helped dozens of people beat their anxiety and get back to living life.

Somatic coach (therapist) in Canton, GA, and Worldwide Life Coach dedicated to inspiring and assisting people worldwide through candid conversations about anxiety. Having personally battled general anxiety, panic disorder, and OCD, I understand the daily challenges those grappling with anxiety face. My journey involved searching for the right therapist, medication, and natural supplements and undergoing various tests. It was only after deciding to reclaim my life that I finally overcame anxiety’s hold. I’m passionate about helping others conquer their struggles and discover their life purpose.